Everyone can benefit from massage to relieve stress, support healing, lessen muscle tension or improve blood circulation. Massage has many benefits and is a non-invasive healing method suitable for most patients. At the Ashleigh Clinic, we offer sports massage as well as wellbeing massage so whether you need a deep tissue massage or a relaxing massage using essential oils, our therapists are here to help you.
All athletes can benefit from sports massage, regardless of their choice of sport.
Pre-event massage helps to warm up the athlete by increasing circulation and improving tissue flexibility in preparation for competition. This improves performance and reduces the risk of injury. Inter-event massage is of particular help to athletes involved in sustained or intense periods of increased activity, such as tournaments lasting a day or longer. Massage can help with soreness and tension, as well as alleviating the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles. Improving blood flow to the tissues increases oxygen in readiness for continued activity, and so improves performance and reduces the risk of injury as a result of fatigue.
Post-event massage helps in the recovery of fatigued tissues following high increased levels of activity. It helps to break down lactic acid which can otherwise lead to the delayed onset of muscle sourness (DOMS). This commonly leads to tender areas of tissue, sometimes with small areas of micro traumas (commonly known as ‘knots’). Post-event massage concentrates on these areas, breaking down the lactic acid and increasing blood flow, so that cells are able to recover and repair for continued physical activity.
At the Ashleigh Clinic, we combine sports massage techniques and remedial work with specific methods for helping with issues such as frozen shoulder, hamstring problems, and sciatica and other back-related problems. Deep tissue massage stretches and loosens muscle fibres that become tight and knotted through tension, injury and repetitive use, whilst trigger point therapy can be included in treatments where pressure points are worked on closely. Deep, sustained pressure is used on these points to release hyper-irritable spots and knots in tissue. This method helps to flush acids from the local area and releases those ‘feel-good’ endorphins into the blood stream.
This form of massage is a very safe and relaxing therapy, using specifically selected essential oils to suit the individual’s needs at that time, whether spiritual, emotional, mental or physical. Essential oils are thought to be the ‘essence’ or ‘life-force’ of plants and they are carried around the body in the blood stream and lymphatic system. They have active qualities which can be tailored to your needs; some oils stimulate detoxification in the body and are excellent for cellulite, others increase mental focus, whilst others can help to deeply relax and calm the nervous system and mind.
With an Aromatherapy Massage you can choose either a relaxation massage to help you to switch off from a busy schedule, or a deep tissue massage, which is more stimulating and designed to increase circulation and release ‘knots’ in the back and shoulders. Indian Head Massage is also incorporated if desired which can help to release tension and help relax the whole body.
Acupressure Facials, using aromatherapy oils are a great way to impact the body as a whole. Certain acupressure points on the face correspond to specific areas and internal organs of the body. By gently yet powerfully acting on these points, you can release toxins which can give a relaxed, lifted and radiant look to the face and also help to relax, calm, yet focus the mind and stimulate circulation within the body.
Acupressure Facials can also be added to an Aromatherapy Massage and along with an Indian Head Massage, can provide you with a completely rejuvenating treatment.
Massage with essential oils may help to:
Reduce anxiety
Relieve stress
Relieve muscular aches, pains and fatigue
Improve blood and lymphatic circulation, detox and cleanse the system
Induce relaxation and that ‘feel-good factor’ through release of endorphins in the brain
Invigorate as well as relax depending on oil choice
Boost the immune system
Improve skin tone
Aromatherapy treatments are carried out at the Ashleigh Clinic by our experienced, qualified therapists. All of our treatments are tailored to the needs of the individual, ensuring a focus on any particular problems, whilst considering the needs of the patient as a whole.